After The Message Is Over

Monday’s Ministry Encouragement: Written to encourage you, my friend in ministry, to be refreshed and renewed as we live for Christ and look toward the Bema.

You studied all week. You exegeted the passage, prayed over it and through it. You mulled it over in your mind throughout the week. You changed the outline several times. Even on Sunday morning, something new came to mind and you added it to your notes.

Sunday arrives and you mount the pulpit ready to deliver the goods. God in His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit enable you to speak the Words of Life.

The final “Amen” is said and now it’s time to speak with folks on their way home, and you will be headed that way shortly.

What are your thoughts about the sermon as you drive home; as you gather with your family at home for dinner or a group of folk at the restaurant? Did you succeed or fail? Was it too long or too short? Was it true to the text? Was the sentence sermon clearly given and articulated throughout the message?

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