A VERY Different Monday

This is a Monday that I have not experienced in 40 years. Except for a brief few months, God has enabled me to be a lead pastor shepherding His flock in two states, Tennessee and Indiana.

First of all, let me say that I am NOT retiring, just changing roles at Boones Creek Bible Church and moving into a new ministry that Denise and I have had on our hearts for a long time. 

Today, Andrew Isbell is the lead pastor, and I’m the associate pastor. Also, one of the “D’s” in D & D Ministries.

How did it happen?

1. God gives you the desires of your heart as you delight in Him (Psalm 37:4).

From childhood, God has place the desire in my heart to preach the Word and to love and pastor people. I can’t remember the first time I ever preached, but I do remember leading congregational singing at 12, a choir at 14 and a weekend revival meeting at 17. Fast forward through college, our wedding, pastorates in southeast Tennessee and Indiana, the Lord graciously led us to the mountains of East Tennessee . . . giving us the desires of our hearts.

Another desire that has gained traction over the years was to encourage pastors and their wives. Due to my dad being a pastor, ministry is all I have ever known. I have indeed seen and personally experienced “the good, the bad and the ugly” as pastors and wives have gone through the valleys of ministry, marriage, and family disappointments, heartaches, sorrows, mistreatment, and financial woes as well as the multiplied blessings of serving the Lord which certainly out-weighs the hard times.

Denise and I have a strong passion to be a cheerleader, an encourager, a listening-ear, a prayer-partner, a biblical counselor, and genuine friend to pastors and their wives.

Furthermore, Boones Creek Bible has been a church that loves pastors and wives, not only those who are leading BCBC, but those whom the Lord has brought through our doors over the years. This flock loves people in ministry and have proven that by virtue of the length of time Pastor Andrew and I have been here as well as their constant loving care. Also, hurting pastors and missionaries have been the recipients of that same love, encouragement, and compassion from BCBC that has helped to propel them back into the ministry fields.

So, moving out into this new arena for Denise and me is not foreign territory for the congregation of BCBC as they understand in varying degrees the desire in our hearts.

2. Planning and preparing for BCBC’s next pastor to come from its own congregation.

With a growing passion to obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), discipleship has been the goal of every ministry. Instead of running an event, program-centered ministry, the Lord has led us to be people-driven, discipleship-oriented.

Pastor Andrew came here right out of college, began to serve in ministry and has been used of the Lord to help BCBC become the healthy church it is today. He has been discipled by me, other men in our church, and faithful servants outside of BCBC. His humble disposition and desire to learn has been a blessing as well as the growing relationship working alongside his father-in-law as we have learned from each other.

How wonderful to see BCBC transition yesterday from their pastor of 23 years to a man who they have served with and come to know for 10 years. How much better this is than if I had resigned, a pulpit committee be formed, and then the church begin a lengthy search for their next pastor which now takes anywhere from 18 months to six years. Add to that potential scenario that once a new pastor is in place, it takes five years for the church to earn his trust and vice versa. And, sadly, many pastors don’t stay but 2-4 years.

Ministry is in place and continuing to be developed as we disciple and train young and older men for leadership. We already see some leadership potential in some young boys that might just be the next pastor of BCBC in 20 or more years. The responsibility for training and producing ministry leaders does not fall in the lap of colleges and seminaries but first of all with local churches.

You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (2 Timothy 2:1-2)

Yes, this is a very different Monday, but I am rejoicing and content. God is good! 

Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Denise! Thank you, BCBC! Thank you, Pastor Andrew!

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