This Is The Best Advice I Have Received

Oh my! Easter dinner!! What’s not to like?

The table is beautifully set. Everyone has their favorites, their “must haves.”

It’s time to eat! My wife has prepared Katie Brown chicken, almond/lime green beans, mashed potatoes, honey drizzled rolls, angel eggs, strawberry avocado salad, and then . . . coconut cake with lemon filling for dessert!!! Wow! Oh so good!!!

The best approval rating came from our grandsons who cleaned their plates!!

Recently I answered the question, “What is the best advice you ever received in life?” There are many things that came to my mind, but one that stands out is a piece of advice that I heard many times from a mentor 40 years my senior.

He often said, “Keep your nose in the Book.” Obviously, speaking to me as a brother in Christ, a fellow preacher, and one hungry for his tutelage, he was referring to the Word of God.

Pastor friend, do you “keep your nose in the Book”? In your sermon preparation, do you go to the Bible looking for scripture to back up a thought you have, or do you study, dig, search, pray over, and then declare its truth in its context letting the message come from the Word?

Also, pastor, is the Word of God your daily spiritual food? Do you rise in the morning looking forward to feeding in its green pastures? Do you long to hear the voice of God speaking freshly to your heart? Does your attitude toward the Word run parallel with the psalmist?

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law. (119:18)

Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. (119:28)

Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain! Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways. (119:36-37)

Pastor, you and I both need to hear from our Heavenly Father every day as the Spirit reveals His thoughts to us so we can cooperate and participate with Christ. We need something fresh each day as we walk in newness of life. Our heart, our spouse, our children, and the flock of God do not need leftovers.

Our family and myself are so grateful that my wife has “kept her nose” in recipe books, cooking sites on the internet, Food Network, etc., over the years looking for new recipes and learning new techniques so she can prepare good food!

Pastor friend, keep your nose in the Book!

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