Handling That Sticky Situation

“Pastor, this is a potential “sticky situation.” What should we do about it? We need some answers. We need wisdom.”

Ministry life is made up of a multitude of decisions everyday. Some are black and white. Others, no so much. Pastor, how do you handle the “sticky situation” questions/decisions?

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What’s Your Viewpoint In Ministry Conflict?

Mondays are usually a day of reflection for pastors as we rehearse the many conversations from Sunday, the “things I said” and “the things I wish I had said” in the message, that empty pew that once was a faithful church member, the forgotten prayer request, that miscommunication, feeling like a failure, the church conflict that continues on, etc.

At times like these, you need encouragement to keep on keeping on. If you haven’t already, read the previous posts and today ponder #4.

1. You will make it.

2.  Bask in the presence of God

3.  You are not alone.

4. Let it drive you to your knees.

Difficult times in ministry is the clarion call for you to have a correct view of your God. Trouble can quickly lead you to be despairing, fearful, hurt, doubting, and wanting to flee. Hard times can tempt you to become idolatrous as you fix your heart on the people, circumstances, misunderstandings, conflicts, etc.

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Sharing In Suffering

When trouble comes in ministry, and it will, you will feel all alone, even in the midst of many people as well as in the quietness of your study. In those moments, hours, days, will you consider the previous two posts and key in on today’s word of encouragement?

1. You will make it.

2.  Bask in the presence of God

3. You are not alone.

For all of us whom God has privileged to serve in His ministry, we all have experienced difficult days, are in a hard time, or will be in the future. 

Consider the company you keep:

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Take It All In When Ministry is Hard

Yes, there are times when ministry is difficult, perplexing, overwhelming, stressful, load-bearing, harsh, and/or near-to-the-breaking-point! May I encourage you?

1. You will make it.

2. Bask in the presence of God.

To bask in something is to “take it all in, to receive its warmth, or bathe in its goodness” (Oxford Languages). Liza Jane, the cat that inhabited our home for many years, knew what it was to bask in the sunshine. Being an indoor cat, she often would begin her day in the east bedroom of our home curled up “receiving the warmth” of the sun. By afternoon, she was taking her 16th nap stretched out in the southwest bedroom “bathing in the goodness” of the sun.

Difficult times in ministry, if we permit it, can make us cold and bitter to the Lord, our wife, our children, our friends, and especially toward the congregation. Before hard times come, and they will, we should be know well what it means to bask in the presence of God, the abiding life in Christ (John 15:1-11).

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Truths To Encourage When Ministry Is Hard

Even though a new year has begun and resolutions have been made, you are either in a hard season of ministry, coming out of one, or on the verge of going into one. Truth is, ministry at times is hard, painful, difficult, and wearisome. Need some words of encouragement?

1. You will make it.

Yes, there are times when you wonder if you can even take the next step, preach another sermon, pray, sing, parent, lead, work, etc. You are so tempted to quit; turn in your resignation; head into the pit of despondency. Look over your shoulder. By the mercy, goodness and grace of God you have come this far.

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The Day After Victory

As a pastor, Monday may be a day to rejoice because Sunday was a day of victories, but if so, be cautious. Even if Sunday was a “downer” day in your eyes, be cautious.

After any victory, you are vulnerable for defeat. Just ask Elijah. He had just seen the mighty power of God on magnificent display which wrought a great victory at Mt. Carmel! Then, upon hearing the subsequent news of Jezebel’s threat (1 Kings 19:1-3), he became discouraged and ran for his life!

There we find Elijah thinking unbiblically, living in unbelief, asking God to kill him, tired, weary, depressed, engaged in self-pity, and feeling like a total failure (19:4-10).

Have you been there? Do you know the place?

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Refiring, NOT Retiring!

In a recent post, I joyfully announced the upcoming transition of ministry after serving as lead pastor for 24 years at Boones Creek Bible Church. Perhaps I did not communicate effectively, so for clarity sake, may I say, retirement is not a part of this transition.

Denise and I will continue to serve at BCBC, but my role will change to associate pastor. This means that I’ll continue to serve by teaching an elective, biblical counselling, leading a small group, visitation, leading the senior’s ministry, preach when needed, etc.

This change allows Denise and me to pursue a passion that has stirred in my heart for a long time and that is ministering to pastors and their wives. I don’t need to look at statistics to know that pastors and their wives need great encouragement. All I need to do is look back over my 40 years of full-time ministry as well as growing up in a pastor’s home to be assured of this huge need. Add to that the number of pastors and wives we have already counseled as well as hearing of needs along the way, we are so drawn to this ministry of refreshment.

Denise and I are available to serve the local church in other capacities as well. Check out the speaking page on my blog for helpful information. Will you prayerfully consider letting us have the rich blessing of coming alongside you and the ministry where you serve to be a refuge and refreshment by the grace of God?

We’re refiring, not retiring!

Ministry Initiative

Monday’s Ministry Encouragement: Written to encourage you, my friend in ministry, to be refreshed and renewed as we live for Christ and look toward the Bema.

“I’m a visionary. I make a plan, execute the plan, and then ask God to bless it!”

Pastor friend, is that you? If we are all honest, we have said something along those lines in our ministry lifetime.

As revealed last week, my wife and I are launching out into a new field of ministry (Post #1, Post #2, and Post #3). This is a step of faith., and one we believe is totally of the Lord’s initiative.

I am greatly intrigued by a truth from the life of Christ that I cannot clearly grasp, but it speaks volumes to me. In John 5:19, we read, Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. And He goes on to say are recorded in John 5:30, I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

Here is Jesus, very God, saying that He cannot do anything of Himself, only what He sees the Father doing, and He does nothing of His own initiative.

Pastor, we put so much pressure upon ourselves that is not pleasing to God. Our expectations, the expectations that we think the congregation has for us, the accomplishment of our goals, the false fulfillment of achieving our goals, all lead to a potentially frustrating, discouraging ministry. This path could even lead to a degree of fallout in the ministry.

Men, look at Christ, the Head of the Church, the Head of the local church you pastor. He did nothing of His own initiative, only what He saw the Father doing. Therefore, each of us as pastors must spend time in the prayer closet with our eye upon Him through His Word hearing from the Head of the Church, and then following what He initiates.

With all due respect, everything does not rise and fall on leadership. Everything rises and falls on God. Therefore, keep your eye on Him. What He initiates, He provides for, He is responsible for the results, and He gets all the glory! What you initiate, you have to provide for, keep it propped up, and you get the glory! You may get some results, but your reward is here, not at the Bema. It’s the difference of Christ pastoring His flock through you or you pastoring your flock through you. . . and then asking God to bless it!

There is nothing wrong with planning, setting goals, and executing the plan . . . as long as it was of Christ’s doing, His initiative, gleaned by abiding in the Vine (John 15:1-16)!

What has Christ initiated in the ministry where you serve?

New Ministry Announcement!

D & D Ministries: Refuge and Refreshment For Ministries and Marriages

If you have followed my blog this week, you know that Denise and I are moving into a new season of ministry life. (Post 1, Post 2, and An Exciting Step of Faith & Obedience)

Please read our ministry launch page below and let us know how we can be used as a refuge and refreshment to you, your marriage, your family, and/or your ministry. Most of all, as the Lord brings us to your mind, please, please pray for us! Our utmost desire is for the True Vine, Jesus Christ, (John 15:1) to bear fruit through His branches (John 15:5) for God’s glory! That is totally impossible without abiding in Christ and through Christ (John 15:5).

As a couple, Dale and Denise love to walk with believers through every stage of life. They are passionate about using their home as a platform for the gospel and are eager to encourage couples of every age.

Continue reading “New Ministry Announcement!”

Make That Call

Monday’s Ministry Encouragement: Written to encourage you, my friend in ministry, to be refreshed and renewed as we live for Christ and look toward the Bema.

Pastor, who is your pastor?

Are you willing to take down your guard and reach out to another pastor for encouragement and help?

Just as we exhort the flock entrusted to us to live out the one another’s in scripture, leaders need one another, too!

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