The Dating Day – Valentines!!

So where are you and your spouse headed for your Valentine’s Day date?  Perhaps you have already had your date?  Is dating a consistent part of your marriage? One of the most neglected aspects of marriage is continuing to date after marriage.

Remember when you were dating before marriage?  Oh, how you planned, maybe even connived to accomplish seeing each other?  Nothing would stop you.  HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!  May I ask a question?  Why did you stop dating after you were married?  Have you stopped?  Why?

Here are some ideas to help you put that dating spark back into your marriage:

  • After you put the kids to bed, play a game of Farkel and eat popcorn. (Hint: One of the best things you can do for your marriage is put your kids to bed at a certain time and don’t let them grow up sleeping with you.)
  • Talk a walk down the street/road/through the park, hand-in-hand, telling each other why you love them.
  • Share an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen, Chickfila or Sonic. Take your time and enjoy each other’s company.
  • Let the kids romp in the playground at Burger King or at the park, and the two of you hold hands, put your arm around each other (you have to sit on the same bench to do so!), talk, and tell your kids, this is your time. They need to learn to respect you and your space.  It won’t hurt ‘em!  After all, you are teaching them what marriage really looks like so they will be prepared when the times come for them to be married.
  • Spend some time under the stars and no cell phones!!!!!!!!!!
  • Cook a meal together.
  • Watch a bunch of funny, clean videos on Youtube and laugh and laugh and laugh, or stop by a local card store and read all the funny cards to each other.
  • Men, if you are having trouble coming up with what to talk about to your wife, here’s some help: Date Night Questions

Don’t make excuses for not dating!  All of the suggestions above are cheap, but marriage is not cheap.  It’s worth the investment!!  The key is having a time set aside in your weekly calendar that is reserved for just the two of you.

And . . . husbands, you take the lead in setting up and fulfilling the dates. This will speak volumes to your wife!

So, let this Valentine’s Day date either be the renewal of a great habit or another day of a refreshing deposit in your marriage journey!

A Reset For My Heart

“I’ve been attending Men’s Prayer Advance for twenty-plus years. This is my yearly reset!” These words were spoken by a pastor who understands the value of intentionally setting aside time to seek and meet with the Lord in such a gathering as Men’s Prayer Advance.

My wife knows that Men’s Prayer Advance is a non-negotiable on my yearly calendar. Having attended for many years, she knows the effect upon my life, ministry and our marriage that she strongly encourages me to go. That’s way cool!

Continue reading “A Reset For My Heart”

Wednesday WOW!!

Wednesday WOW is written to remind us, especially pastors, that our transcendent, omnipotent, loving, sovereign God is working today in our lives in thousands of ways. The WOW is God, not the size of the work! How have you seen Him at work in your life today?

Discipleship is hard and sometimes messy, but oh, the joys of watching believers grow and change in Christ!

Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment (1 Peter 2:2 NLT). Recently I saw this passage fulfilled as I met with the man I have the privilege of discipling. There he sat across from me in my living room, coffee cup in hand, often scooting to the edge of his seat waiting for an answer to a life question or to share a blessing. At other times, he would recline intently listening to biblical instruction, soaking it all in! Wow!!

Continue reading “Wednesday WOW!!”

Husbands, Protect Your Treasure!

Proverbs 18:22 (NLT) says, The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.

Husbands, If you have a new Ford F-150 (or insert your favorite) sitting in your driveway, how do you protect it?

What if it’s a new Fierce Rogue hunting rifle? Or a St. Croix Triumph Travel fishing rod?

How will you protect that new house of your dreams?

Husbands, the real question is, do you protect your wife? If so, how do you protect her?

Proverbs 18:22 says she is a treasure. Ephesians 5:28 reminds us, Husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies.

As I mentioned in the previous posts, The Treasure of Man and Husbands, Love Your Treasure, marriage is a grace-gift from God, and we have sufficient grace to grow in Christ through the gift of marriage and the privilege of responding to our treasure in many ways that honor God and live out the gospel.

So, how can you protect your treasure?

Continue reading “Husbands, Protect Your Treasure!”

WOW Wednesday!!

Pastor friend, what’s your “WOW” today?

It could have happened this morning, yesterday, this past weekend or just five minutes ago. It doesn’t have to be some “fireworks” moment, although it may be, but just where you saw God at work, and you could say, “Wow! God is so very good!”

Continue reading “WOW Wednesday!!”

God’s Desire For Men

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. . . . I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting (1 Timothy 2:1-2, 8).

Please note the following about this passage.

The Priority of Prayer (2:1)
The second chapter of 1 Timothy contains instructions for public worship. Paul has something urgent on his mind by using the word exhort as given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21). This urgency is directed to the need of giving preeminence to prayer in public worship, and may I add, to life in general (Luke 18:1). In other words, prayer is to be first in rank, to take first place in importance.

Men, what place does prayer hold in your life, marriage, home, school, business, recreation, etc.?

Continue reading “God’s Desire For Men”

The Month of Love (N)

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Here we are in the middle of February, and we continue the V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E acrostic on ways to make this a blessed month of growth and change in biblical marriage.

With “N” being the middle letter as it comes between V-A-L-E and T-I-N-E, let us be reminded to let NOTHING come between you and your spouse in this blessed grace gift!

Continue reading “The Month of Love (N)”

The Month of Love (E)

Is your marriage stalling out? In a dry season? Need some energy?

Continuing to use the acrostic V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E, here’s another idea to help make this a blessed month of growth and change in biblical love in marriage.

E – Energize your marriage

The word “engergize” means “to give vitality and enthusiasm to.” Does your marriage need some life, some energy, some revving up!!

Continue reading “The Month of Love (E)”

The Month of Love (L)

Using the acrostic V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E, here’s some ideas to help make this a blessed month of growth and change in biblical love. (Click here for V-A)

L – Love your spouse unconditionally.

Love is an action verb, yet it is not dependent upon you to love unconditionally.

As a born again believer living the Christ-life, we surrender to the Trinity to love unconditionally as we ought.

Continue reading “The Month of Love (L)”